Clean & Competitive – A Blueprint for BCs Industrial Future
Teralta works with the Government of British Columbia to help advance the Province’s objective to rapidly increase clean energy production.
Case in point is our Prince George project where we’ve partnered with Chemtrade, Canfor, Fortis, and AdvanTec to capture and clean byproduct hydrogen generated at the Chemtrade facility. The clean hydrogen is distributed to the neighbouring Canfor facility where it is used to power and heat the operation, reducing the use of natural gas.
In January 2024, Premier David Eby joined us in Prince George to announce the project. Read the press release to learn more.
In May 2024, the Premier and Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation, introduced the report CLEAN AND COMPETITIVE: A Blueprint for B.C.’s Industrial Future, an examination of how the government is working to support a global shift to a clean economy while delivering jobs and opportunities to people throughout BC.
The report highlights how the private sector is leading the charge towards decarbonization with strong commitments to sustainable practices.
Teralta is proud to be featured in the report, validation of the hard work we’ve undertaken and the immense progress we have made from proof of concept through to the construction of infrastructure for the Prince George project. Read the report for the full story.
We have active projects underway in other provinces and within the United States so stay tuned. We’re just getting started.